Cornerstone Blog

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Small businesses have to get their financials in order before they approach lenders.

4 tips for applying for a small business loan for expansion

By Scott MacDougal | Nov 18, 2015

When you own a small business and start investigating loans or lines of credit to help with expansion or growth, there are some best practices to follow that can convince lenders you’re a secure investment.

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Security employees have to perform customer service while navigating snowy roads.

Small businesses have to be ready for winter challenges

By Scott MacDougal | Nov 12, 2015

If your business location resides in an area with possible snow or extreme cold, you need to make sure blizzards and ice don’t freeze your company in its tracks.

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Don't let your business financial actions go unrecorded.

3 good budget habits for small business owners

By Scott MacDougal | Nov 11, 2015

You can have excellent staff, great service and strong leadership skills, but if you’re financial situation is in disarray it’s going to be tough for your business to succeed. 

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How to get over technology fears in the modern office.

3 reasons small business owners resist technology

By Scott MacDougal | Nov 11, 2015

Why do some small businesses still shoot down every innovation that comes their way?

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Business owners need to allocate time for consumers, employees and personal demands.

4 tricks small business owners can use to manage time

By Scott MacDougal | Nov 9, 2015

If you’re in charge of a small business, you have a lot of say in how you spend your hours.

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Online Small business Saturday promotions could catch the eye of local consumers.

What are your Small Business Saturday plans?

By Scott MacDougal | Nov 4, 2015

Is your business ready for increased consumer interest on Small Business Saturday?

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