NO Support Tickets! Live Support when you need it.

We don't believe in support tickets. When you need help, our customer service team is available by phone or by live chat.

Unhappy with your Software's Support?

The Solution: Demand LIVE Support!

When our dealers need help and call us, we answer the phone. We don’t believe in ‘support tickets’…if there’s an issue or question, they call and we help resolve it quickly. Simple things can be handled instantly, online, using our chat feature.

Group of people taking a picture in a wooded room. They are all laughing and/or smiling.

Get help you need, when you need it!

My project-1(15)

Live Calls

Live support available by phone for any issue.

My project (33)

Support Notes

Send notes from or to Cornerstone simply and easily.

My project-1(14)

Live Chat

Live chat support in-software for quick questions.


Onboarding Done Right

When life safety installers sign up, we work with them through a defined, clear process to ensure they are fully prepared for both the transition and use of our software/service.

30-Day Onboarding

Our defined process allows us to onboard most installers in 30 days from setup, to training, and finally billing.

Clear Defined Processes

Setup/Transfer process is clearly defined from start to finish, ensuring that nothing is missed or forgotten during setup.

Comprehensive Training

We use a "crawl, walk, run" approach to training, ensuring our partners are comfortable in the software from day one.

Month End Recaps/Review

Review your first month's recap directly with Cornerstone to fully understand costs/income/services and more.

Easy Import of Data

Easy import of data through software processes, central station integrations or csv files. Most data can be easily transferred.

Continuous Support

Support doesn't end after setup, we continue to provide you with live support for the lifetime you partner with us.

Ready to improve your workflow and organize your office?

Get started by clicking contact us below, or, take our video tour at your own pace to see if Cornerstone is the right solution!