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Cornerstone's approach tightly integrates our industry-leading billing services with first-rate software and tools, built for security companies. Download our Brochure by clicking the links below, and see why Cornerstone is a COMPLETE SOLUTION.

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Dealers Need SOLUTIONS! Not Confusion.

Cornerstone has successfully served this industry for over 21 years. We’ve learned a lot, and are confident in saying: what works best for dealers is a true SOLUTION.

Software alone is not enough. Services on their own aren’t enough. Our dealers are SUPER busy--they don't have time to cobble together X's software with Y's services and blend in tools from Z. Cornerstone’s approach tightly integrates our industry-leading billing services with first-rate software and tools, built for security dealers. In other words, to offer a complete solution.

Our dealers pay a reasonable monthly fee for our SERVICES. In the bargain, they get powerful SOFTWARE, and absolutely superior SUPPORT.

That business model sets us apart from our competitors. When dealers join us, Day 1 we plug them into specialized software that’s a big step up from what they had before. Meanwhile--behind the scenes--we're quietly and professionally handling large volumes of billing and payment transactions. We clear much of the administrative clutter from our dealer’s plates. That gives them time to be pro-active with customers and prospects—time to build their business.

When our dealers need help and call us, we answer the phone. We don’t believe in ‘support tickets’…if there’s an issue or question, they call and we help resolve it quickly. Simple things can be handled instantly, online, using our chat feature. When we roll out a software update, all our customers get it instantly--that's the power of a cloud system.

Our dealer retention is very high—they know we truly care about their success. By helping them succeed, they remain loyal to us. Every month, we re-invest a fair share of this 'loyalty dividend' into our online platform. We listen to their suggestions, and then constantly add features, integrations, time-saving tools, custom reports, and so on.

In other words, every month we strengthen our SOLUTION. Strengthening our solution also strengthens our dealer relationships. It’s been a beautiful and satisfying cycle.

This isn’t sales hype—this is how we’ve succeeded since I founded the business in 1999. Call me, and let’s talk about the things you’re looking to fix. Then, if it looks like we may be able to help, we’d ask that you talk to a few of our customers. They’ll tell you why we’re not like everybody else."

Ready to improve your workflow and organize your office?

Get started by clicking contact us below, or, take our video tour at your own pace to see if Cornerstone is the right solution!