Surcharging for Life Safety Companies: How to Avoid the Hassle

With inflation driving up operating costs recently, more life safety companies are opting to add surcharges to customers that pay by credit card. Surcharges are simply fees that a business can add to recover its merchant fee expenses. Say you have a customer that pays a $100 quarterly monitoring invoice, and your company has adopted…

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The Value Of Integrations!

Cornerstone added its first integration about 13 years ago—with the US Post Office site. That was a simple integration that confirmed the address for a newly added account, including zip + 4. Since then we’ve added over a dozen integrations, with central stations, collection agencies, and other software providers. Here’s a partial list: Integrations…

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Reduce Stress: Invest in Expertise for Effortless Collections

Person checking their credit card and mobile phone

Most of the office managers we work with would rather have a root canal than try collecting money from past-due customers! It’s stressful to put pressure on customers you worked so hard to find and win. Well, Cornerstone has a solution that takes the pressure off. Cornerstone’s Solution – Billing Plus! Our Billing Plus service…

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G/L vs. Alarm Company Software: Why Integration Can Be Risky

Woman with lightbulb and question marks over her head thinks of ideas

In the dynamic world of business technology, the life safety software decisions you make can be the linchpin for your company’s success. One pivotal decision that businesses often grapple with is whether to integrate their General Ledger (GL) with their Customer Management Software (CRM). While the allure of an all-in-one solution is strong, there are compelling…

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Labor Shortage? DO LESS! With Alarm Software

magnifying glass on a newspaper help wanted page

Not shocking news: we’re in the tightest labor market in over 20 years. Security alarm dealers, and many other industries, are having real trouble finding enough people to get all the work done. What’s a business owner to do? Until the labor market improves, here are some ideas that may help. You’ve heard the adage,…

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Management: Many Flavors

Person carrying binders

To state the obvious: effectively managing your small business is difficult! It’s easy to get derailed. Whether that’s getting hit by a big surprise problem, losing a large customer you thought was happy, losing a key person, battling inflation-driven cost increases, and so on. Management is a very broad term, and it may be better…

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Recurring Credit Card Transactions: Painful to Comply

A close up of three credit cards on a table.

Over the last few years, the credit card industry has adopted new rules that make it tough for small companies to stay in compliance. Including for recurring payments charged by security alarm companies. IF your company accepts Visa and Master Card for recurring subscription invoices, please review your processes versus the list below. Does your…

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Customer Acquisition Cost: Do you Know Yours?

Black and yellow cubes that spell out the letters CAC.

How much does it cost you to acquire a new customer? Most security companies don’t really know – but they should. If you’ve ever seen an episode of “Shark Tank”, one of the most common questions from the Sharks is: what’s your customer acquisition cost? It’s a key metric for any business, and one you…

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6 Tips for Improving Alarm Company Office Communication

Technology tools can facilitate easier office communication.

Security dealers usually have different departments—sales, service, administration, accounting, and so on. Because these departments are in regular contact, interoffice communication is a crucial factor for success. Technology tools can facilitate easier office communication. Cornerstone Billing Solutions, as a cloud-based company, has used a work-from-home office model for over 20 years. We understand that poor…

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