AlarmBiller Customers: Compare your Service, Software, and Support

Company Logos with the word versus between them.

Our security dealer customers are in a very competitive market. They compete with large national players like ADT, usually several local independent dealers, “DIY” companies like SimpliSafe, and others. In order to compete successfully, our dealers need to be clear about their competitive advantages. “We are your best choice because…” The advantages could be unique…

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Break the Spell of the Typical

A person standing on arrows painted on pavement. One arrow points forward and one points to the left.

We humans like our routines. I have many of my own that I follow day to day, week to week. One of the reasons 2020 has been so stressful is that our routines have been disrupted – often completely messed up. Covid has been the great disruptor, like a major life event – an accident,…

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Cornerstone integrates with NMC

Abstract images of gears and clouds. In a white box you can see the Cornerstone Billing Solutions logo and the NMC logo. It is begin promoted that these two companies are now integrated.

We are excited to announce that Cornerstone Billing Solutions is fully integrated with National Monitoring Center (NMC), adding another excellent partner integration for our customers. What this integration means for our NMC dealers: PULL data from NMC (preferred) – set up new accounts as usual through the NMC Monitoring portal. Then, by clicking Download Customer…

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Making Sense of Your Numbers: Part 2

Man counting coins on a pile of financial papers. There is a pen, calculator and laptop on the papers as well.

The main point of Part 1 is that most security dealers would benefit by separating their ‘steady Eddy’ recurring revenue / profit (RP) from their more messy and volatile Service & Installation revenue / profit (SIP). These two simple buckets will drive your company’s success or failure, because they drive your operating profit. Knowing your…

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Electronic Billing & Payment: “Nice to Have” No Longer

Absract background of lines, dots and binary code. There is a person holding four blocks in the middle. Each block has an image and the top block says E-Billing

“Must Have”: Electronic Billing & Payments According to a 2020 study by National Automated Clearing House Association —the trade organization for the ACH payments industry—respondents cited COVID-19 as a “trigger event for moving customers to a more digital experience.” In other words, having paper-free and touch-free billing and electronic billing options is now a must…

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Software For Alarm Companies: Little Differences Matter!

Four black gears with question marks in the middle. The largest gear on the right has a lightbulb instead of a question mark.

A question for our security dealer friends–do you agree with this statement? “Your security company is just like any other contractor business.” Nearly all our customers would shout: “NO WAY! Our business is unique!” Cornerstone has served this industry for over 21 years, and we completely agree. In fact, our business probably wouldn’t exist if…

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