Security System Monitoring (And Almost Everything Else)

House with a large lock in the foreground there are icons about different security features in front of the home

Monitoring Everything? Monthly fees for security system monitoring are the main driver of company value in this industry. And the average monthly fee for alarm monitoring has been rising at a healthy clip in the last few years, why? More Monitoring = More Control The traditional perimeter security system monitored the entry points and interior…

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Customer Acquisition Cost: Do you Know Yours?

Black and yellow cubes that spell out the letters CAC.

How much does it cost you to acquire a new customer? Most security companies don’t really know – but they should. If you’ve ever seen an episode of “Shark Tank”, one of the most common questions from the Sharks is: what’s your customer acquisition cost? It’s a key metric for any business, and one you…

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Lifetime Value of a Customer: What’s Yours?

Black and yellow cubes that spell out the letters LTV.

There are a few key numbers that are extremely valuable to know, as owners plan and make investment decisions. One of those is the “Lifetime Value of a Customer”, or LTV. It’s pretty simple to determine, so let’s step through the process. No doubt your company has a wide range of recurring revenue amounts for…

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DON’T SELL! (But Be Ready To)

Pile of notebooks. The top book as a cover that says "Be Prepared" with a red paperclip attached to the top.

Many of our customers have owned their security alarm business for a long time…20 – 30+ years. Some are baby boomers that are no doubt thinking about retirement. Other owners have pulled back from their business a bit, and are in maintenance mode, enjoying the recurring cash flow. In the latter case, Cornerstone serves the…

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6 Tips for Improving Alarm Company Office Communication

Technology tools can facilitate easier office communication.

Security dealers usually have different departments—sales, service, administration, accounting, and so on. Because these departments are in regular contact, interoffice communication is a crucial factor for success. Technology tools can facilitate easier office communication. Cornerstone Billing Solutions, as a cloud-based company, has used a work-from-home office model for over 20 years. We understand that poor…

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Weather Disaster: Is your Alarm Business Prepared?

Image of a lighting storm in a city. Buildings are in the foreground and a streak of lighting fills the sky in the background.

Planning for a weather disaster is no fun at all. Yet, when the winter storm hit last month Texas businesses that did have a disaster recovery plan were much better able to preserve their revenue streams and reputations. Many of those that did not…failed. Having no plan meant many companies suffered both short-term financial and…

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3G Upgrades: Good Process can Ease the Pain

A sunset with a cellular tower in the foreground.

Security dealers have worked very, very hard for their base of loyal subscribers. Every year, it takes work to KEEP those subscribers. This year, it’s going to take more work than usual. Major wireless companies like AT&T and Verizon are sunsetting their 3G networks, as you know. What a pain in the butt! Ignoring this…

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Alarm and Security Service Software: Why SSaaS beats SaaS

Blue line and with circles on the end on a digital abstract background. In the middle there is a orange circle with an image of a cloud in the middle.

One of the big buzzwords right now is “SaaS”: Software as a Service. Today  I’m coining a new term (drum roll please…): “SSaaS.” Let me elaborate on both of these and explain why SSaaS is superior.  Cloud-Based or Local?  The old business model for software, of course, was to buy it, install it on the local network, then maintain and upgrade it over time. MANY companies in…

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Break the Spell of the Typical

A person standing on arrows painted on pavement. One arrow points forward and one points to the left.

We humans like our routines. I have many of my own that I follow day to day, week to week. One of the reasons 2020 has been so stressful is that our routines have been disrupted – often completely messed up. Covid has been the great disruptor, like a major life event – an accident,…

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