3 ways small-business promotions can capitalize on the holidays

The holiday season almost always sees an increase in consumer spending. Small businesses – even organizations that don’t offer traditional Christmas gifts – can use this period of time at the end of the year to catch the attention of potential customers. Here are three ways to offer promotions to future and current clients that take advantage of holiday opportunities:

1. Local events
Small businesses, like security dealers, rely on community support. Many regions offer festive public holiday events that provide companies opportunities to introduce themselves to consumers. Small-business managers should plan event promotions that attract attention through interesting booths, decorations and games offering unique deals and discounts.

“Public events are a perfect chance to gamify your marketing.”

It’s up to managers to determine which offers the company can provide holiday crowds, but employees may contribute ideas. If a small business has enthusiastic workers, costumes and characters help company promotions stand out at public events. Employees from different branches can also talk to consumers about each aspect of the business.

Public events are a perfect chance to gamify your marketing. Small Business Computing said mystery savings offers encourage consumer participation. Companies can have local citizens spin a wheel to receive a specialized discount or small prize. The prizes don’t have to offer that much variance in value, but customers will still feel like the discount they earned is special. If small businesses have tech talent, they can offer similar holiday games on their website.

2. Online materials
If a company hasn’t utilized social media for marketing yet, Thanksgiving and Christmas messages could be an easy way to start. A small business can send friendly greetings to leads and see who responds. Organizations should build social networks out of active users who demonstrate a willingness to share business messages and company promotions.

Business 2 Community suggested reevaluating all online materials during the holiday season. Modern Christmas shoppers prefer to use mobile devices to shop for gifts and plan end of the year finances. Basic business websites and online marketing should be responsive on tablets and smartphones.

When a company offers a special promotion on a website, the design of the layout should call attention to the offer. Adding holiday images to a website may catch the attention of normal visitors. Any change to routine encourages consumers to explore business materials to see what else is different.

3. Customer communications
The good cheer of the holiday season should encourage businesses to reconnect with clients. Companies should be in constant communication with their customers. If client records indicate it’s been awhile since last contact, a general holiday greeting could reestablish the relationship.

When small businesses consistently communicate with consumers through effective daily practices, holiday promotions can be an opportunity to break up the routine. It’s a wonderful time to offer new rates or introduce new technology like automated alarm billing solutions.

Small businesses could also use holiday messaging to check in with customers. Customer care representatives can put together end of the year surveys to measure satisfaction. If consumers show no interest in holiday promotions, informal questionnaires on social media could indicate why.

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