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I Did Not Know You Did That!

By Scott MacDougal | March 15, 2016
Customer shrugging shoulders

Nearly all of our security dealer customers have complained that they’ve lost subscribers because—after they’ve switched to Comcast or AT&T or whomever—the subscriber didn’t know that the dealer offered X, Y or Z service. ARGH!!! You may not have the time or resources to publish a regular newsletter to your customers. BUT there is an…

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How to Get Alarm Customers to Show You the Money

By Scott MacDougal | March 8, 2016
Payment at time of service

I really can’t remember the last time a contractor left my house after doing some work WITHOUT a check or credit card payment in hand. So I’m perplexed that so many of our dealers are willing to fix or upgrade a subscriber’s security system, then leave the site without getting paid! Yes, it’s true that…

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The Cloud Has a Silver Lining for Security Dealers

By Scott MacDougal | March 2, 2016
Cloud computing

Security dealers embrace internet-driven technologies when installing security systems but may not have adopted it for their company’s workflow management and back office software. Many rely on a patchwork of software and tools that use valuable time and resources to toggle back and forth between non-integrated pieces to get the work done. This is inefficient…

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