For service providers that rely on the expertise and efficiency of field technicians, solving a customer’s issue on the first visit is exceedingly important.
Alarm billing software strengthens first-time resolution rates on service calls.
For service providers that rely on the expertise and efficiency of field technicians, solving a customer’s issue on the first visit is exceedingly important. The number of times a tech has to visit a client is directly related to profit. Although you’ll likely generate income from the billable time, each instance of a worker going into the field also means that individual is not only on the clock, but is also limited in the number of customers to which they can respond. Money comes in and goes out like clockwork.
Security systems service providers are as reliant on field techs as heating, ventilation and air conditioning businesses, plumbers and electricians. Reducing costs associated with customer visits is a major focus, and it’s certainly achievable if you’re working with the right technology, including a service automation platform.
Don’t get outclassed
First-time resolution of customer issues or installations that require no follow-up should be easily attainable goals that increase profit margins. However, there’s a huge gap that separates high-performing organizations from those at the other end of the spectrum.
Citing data from Aberdeen Group, Field Service Digital reported that the companies that provide best-in-class first-time resolution address customers’ issues on the initial visit 88 percent of the time. Middle-of-the-road organizations accomplish the same goal 8 out of 10 visits, and those at the bottom manage to fix the problem on the first try 63 percent of the time. Considering every expense that goes into multiple visits – missed opportunities to provide services to other customers and transportation costs, for example – any service provider wants to limit the number of times it has to send techs to deal with a single customer’s recurring problem.

The costs quickly add up. Let’s say a security service field tech visits a customer to diagnose an issue and realizes that the part necessary to fix the issue isn’t in stock in the van or truck. This circumstance occurs frequently, but in reality, businesses can avoid it with better inventory management. The amount of money required to revisit a customer as a result of this case – for best-in-class companies – could end up costing the company anywhere between $2,400 and $3,600 per day in potentially unnecessary expenses. That’s if a security company has 100 daily service calls, can address the issue for 88 of them on the first attempt and the cost for each visit to the field is between $200 and $300. Now imagine the service providers that struggle to resolve issues 70 percent of the time. The profit and loss sheet would be pretty depressing.
However, another major issue is customer satisfaction. Few people want to wait to have a problem fixed. Especially when a customer is dealing with a malfunctioning security system, it’s unlikely he or she will have a lot of patience to endure multiple follow-up visits. It’s all the more reason for security system providers to integrate technology that will enable first-time resolution for the sake of the company and customer.
Protect your company’s cash flow
According to Mobile Enterprise, roughly half of all return visits for field service is due to a missing part or tool. Expectations among consumers are high for fast and convenient service, meaning they’re likely not going to be as forgiving when this situation occurs. In most cases, it’s completely avoidable. Inventory management should be integrated with customer management software for security companies.
With a mobile workforce that can access a centralized system for billing, payments and inventory through a tablet or smartphone, security system service providers can provide techs with full clarity into product stock levels. This way, they’ll know how much inventory they can keep on hand in their truck while ensuring other techs have a sufficient supply to work with.