Posts by Cornerstone Billing Solutions
Saving 15 Minutes with Alarm Industry Service Software
If you could invest $2/day to save 15 minutes of time daily for your tech and administrative employees, would you do it? The answer should be a slam-dunk YES, but first let’s look at why I’m asking this question. Alarm industry service software has been around for over 30 years. In the last 10-15 years,…
Read MoreMaking Sense of Your Numbers: Part 2
The main point of Part 1 is that most security dealers would benefit by separating their ‘steady Eddy’ recurring revenue / profit (RP) from their more messy and volatile Service & Installation revenue / profit (SIP). These two simple buckets will drive your company’s success or failure, because they drive your operating profit. Knowing your…
Read MoreElectronic Billing & Payment: “Nice to Have” No Longer
“Must Have”: Electronic Billing & Payments According to a 2020 study by National Automated Clearing House Association —the trade organization for the ACH payments industry—respondents cited COVID-19 as a “trigger event for moving customers to a more digital experience.” In other words, having paper-free and touch-free billing and electronic billing options is now a must…
Read MoreMaking Sense of Your Numbers: Part 1
I’m a recovering numbers guy. In my banking and venture investing days over 20 years ago, I could build spreadsheet projections that were elegant, logical, perfect—and always wrong. Excel can lull you into feeling like a master of the universe. Spreadsheets with assumed growth rates spit out wonderful numbers that make you feel that “this…
Read MoreSoftware For Alarm Companies: Little Differences Matter!
A question for our security dealer friends–do you agree with this statement? “Your security company is just like any other contractor business.” Nearly all our customers would shout: “NO WAY! Our business is unique!” Cornerstone has served this industry for over 21 years, and we completely agree. In fact, our business probably wouldn’t exist if…
Read MoreAlarm Industry Service Software is like a Supermarket
When was the last time you visited a butcher shop to get your meat and poultry? Then a bakery to get your bread and rolls? Followed by a farm stand visit to stock up on vegetables? If you’re like most people, not recently. Instead, people get nearly all their food at a supermarket. Why? Because…
Read MoreVacation? Stay-cation? No-cation?
We hope you enjoyed July 4th, especially in a year when most fireworks, parades, and celebrations were canceled. For most people, July and August are vacation season. This year, most of us will need to settle for some version of a stay-cation. Wikipedia defines a stay-cation as “a period in which an individual or family…
Read Success Stories
“The portal makes us look much more professional to our subscribers,” says Paul Allen, owner of Protective Security Services.
Read MoreQuickBooks vs. Alarm Company Software: What’s Best for You?
If your security company mainly uses QuickBooks to manage your subscriber accounts and jobs, you’ve probably asked this question: “Would we be better off with more industry-specialized software?” The answer depends on your company’s situation, and how much friction you are encountering while trying to use QuickBooks to manage things. It’s possible, maybe likely, that…
Read MoreCovid Quiet Time: A Silver Lining?
As we navigate this really tough stretch of the Covid crisis, can we at least look for a silver lining? Nearly all of our security dealers have told us that their service and installation work is way down. Many have had to reduce hours or even lay off staff members. There’s just not much work…
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