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Our blog contains information on several topics, not just in the alarm industry! Click on a blog below to begin learning!

Speed Up Your Cash Flow

By Scott MacDougal | May 28, 2013

We all want our customers to pay on time, so we can pay our own bills — payroll, equipment vendors, etc.  So how do we make that happen? 1)  Push Autopay – Get your customers to set up their recurring charges with some method of autopayment, like checking debit (ACH) or credit card. Yes, there’s…

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Raise Your Monitoring Rates? Maybe, But Do it Right

By Scott MacDougal | May 28, 2013

To raise rates, or not to raise rates? That is the questions for many security alarm dealers as the economy strengthens, and costs such as fuel and labor continue to go up. We’ve worked with many companies to implement rate increases, and some approaches work better than others. The goal with a rate increase should…

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The Top 5 Reasons Customers Quit

By Scott MacDougal | May 28, 2013

Alarm dealers work hard to build loyal and long term relationships with customers. But sometimes customers quit. The good news is that you may have more control over customers quitting than you think. Read on for the top 5 reasons customers quit and what you can and cannot do about it. 1)  The #1 Reason…

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