Stay Safe During Summer Vacation

It’s summertime again and with that, hopefully, comes summer vacation. Before you set off with the family you generally make a mental note of the key items to complete – lock the doors, remove the spare key, check all the windows. But there are many more simple tips that can help protect your home while you’re away. To maximize security and lower your risk of being burglarized add the following to your mental security checklist. 

Let your security company know you’re leaving – If you’re not hiring a home sitter you can let your security company know you’ll be out of town so they know to take alerts seriously. Along with this, ensure that your contact list for alerts is up to date in case you’re unreachable. 

Keep up with your lawn – One of the most noticeable giveaways that you’re not home is an unkempt lawn. Hire a neighbor, friend, or service to cut your lawn regularly while you’re away. 

Put your lights & TV on timers – A dark house with no activity for several days on end is a dead giveaway its been left unattended. Generally, if you do not have automatic lights, you’ve left the front and back door lights on for the entire trip. While this is okay, it makes more sense to attach sensors to your TV and lights that go off at different intervals throughout the day. This practice is more in line with regular activity used in the home. 

Beware of Social Media – Everyone loves a good vacation photo but it’s best to post you’re out of town status when you’re safely back at home. Tagging your current out-of-town location let’s everyone know your home is empty and provides your whereabouts to not only friends, but potentially friends of friends. We know it’s tempting to share your travels but to play it safe, wait until you are back home to post on social media.

Stash valuables in a safe  – As an extra precaution make sure to put any valuables you are leaving behind in a hidden and locked safe. Better yet, one that is bolted to the floor. On average, a burglar will be in and out of your home in under 10 minutes and typically head for the master bedroom first, searching through dresser drawers and under mattresses for jewelry and cash. As a best practice, do not leave valuables in an obvious location. To lesson the odds of being found, hide your valuables in decoy containers that resemble every day objects. You can find hundreds of these on Amazon for a reasonable price.

We hope these simple tips help you enjoy your summer and stay safe!

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